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35th French Auction - All technologies prices increased by 100 Eurocents on average!

EEX held the 35th auction for Guarantees of Origin (GOs), with the book opening on 10 August 2022 and order matching on 17 August 2022 for May 2022 production GOs.

A total of 4.13 TWh of supported RES-E GOs were auctioned, a bit below the previous auctioned volume and still significantly lower than the auctions in the first quarter this year. As usual, all offered volumes were sold. The Wind GOs represented around 42% of the total auctioned volume, with a 39% decrease in auctioned volumes compared to the previous auction; Hydro, Solar, and Thermal GOs auctioned volumes moved by -8%, +55%, and +18%, respectively.

Compared to the previous auction, the prices of all technologies have increased, by 44% on average (between 43 and 46%), translating to a 97 to 100 Eurocents increase.

Compared to current year OTC prices (excluding Thermal GOs), GOs sourced were sold at a discount. Thermal (Cogeneration and Biomass) GOs were sold with a premium of 14 Eurocents/MWh, while Solar GOs were auctioned at a discount of 21 Eurocents/MWh. GOs for Hydro and Wind were also auctioned at a discount of 32 and 16 Eurocents/MWh, respectively.

The upward trend of auction prices correlates with movements in the EU GOs OTC market for 2022 production for the past month, which is around five times above auction prices of twelve months ago.

Source: EEX